Presently working as Principal Designer or Client CDM Advisor on 30 Health Care Sector Projects Nationwide

20 Cladding / Remediation Projects Post Grenfell

We inspect over 200 site each month every month in the Construction Sector

We are acting as Principal Designer for many complex consortium housebuilding schemes.

Further case studies and referrals are avaiable on request.

Latest News Case Studies and Referrals

Excellence Project, Cardiff
11 Aug, 2023
Consortium, Barrow
11 Aug, 2023

Excellence Project, Cardiff

11 Aug, 2023

The objective of the Cardiff Excellence Project phase 2 was to consolidate production of Ambient and chill carton production at the Cardiff site by expanding  of the site to accommodate 4 new production lines and the relocation of 2 line existing lines from Manchester site (Federal and Galdi Lines). The expansion  involved the building of a new office building.

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Consortium, Barrow

11 Aug, 2023

The site is around 1.4 miles from Monks Cross, approximately 10 miles north east of Preston and 5 miles north of Blackburn. Scope of Services includes all of the Pre-Construction Planning, Construction Environmental Management Plan, Pre-Construction Information, support in the assembly of the HBF Agreement, Liaison with NHBC, Audit and review of Construction Phase Process.

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